The benefits of joining the National STEM Honor Society™ (NSTEM™) are numerous! Be it a young Pre-Kindergartener feeling the excitement of science and technology… or a high schooler looking to build a college resume, NSTEM inspires and recognizes – From Pre-K to Career™
The main benefits of NSTEM are:
Recognition: Inspiring and recognizing student excellence through an esteemed honor society “From Pre-K to Career”
Awards and Scholarships: NSTEM celebrates and honors excellence in STEM with awards, scholarships, and recognition
Leadership: Creating tomorrow’s leaders through officers and leadership opportunities, fostering a sense of unity and purpose
Future Readiness: Preparing NSTEM members for the exciting and challenging world that lies ahead
Tools and Resources: Providing NSTEM members organized tools and opportunities to compete, lead, and thrive in the 21st century
Product and Service Discounts: Offering discounts on leading STEM products and services exclusive for NSTEM members
Community Service: Cultivating a service-oriented culture that instills commitment to making a positive impact on the community
Project-Based Learning: Igniting enthusiasm for teamwork, communication and both critical and creative thinking
If you are passionate about making STEM a driver for your school, students and educators, get ready to ignite that passion by starting a Chapter or joining our International Global Membership today!