The minimum requirement that interns must satisfy is 15 hours/week for at least 4 months. We encourage interns to stay longer because they have more opportunities to change departments and gain leadership experience. Since this is a virtual internship, the hours are pretty flexible! Most meetings will be held between 8 AM and 5 PM EST. We will work with our interns to create a consistent schedule.
Typically, NSTEM interns will attend project and department meetings to collaborate with others in their team. The frequency of these meetings depends on the department, so feel free to reach out to us if you have specific questions regarding each team. Interns will also complete work on their own time to fit their schedule. We keep hours as flexible as possible since we have interns from all over the world.
Yes! We love working with colleges, universities, and high schools to give our interns the opportunity to acquire credit, volunteer hours, and co-op credits. Please check with your institution to verify that NSTEM is already an accredited institution. If it is not, we are happy to work with you regardless! We can help you with your official school documents so you can gain volunteer hours.
This internship is for post-grads and students in both high school and college. So long as you fit in one of those categories, you are eligible to apply!
Unfortunately, interns at NSTEM are not paid. We would love to pay our hardworking interns, however, it is not plausible for NSTEM at the current time.
Since we have a wide variety of departments, almost anyone with any work/volunteer experience can qualify for a place at NSTEM. Please visit Job Descriptions and Skills Required to see what skills are required for each position.
Communication is extremely important, especially because we are all working virtually. We expect all interns to be in constant contact with their Directors, Project Managers, and team members!
NSTEM interns have the opportunity to work on challenging and exciting projects. From social media projects to business-related projects, interns have many options from which to choose. We encourage our interns to explore a variety of roles within NSTEM to gain experience for their future! If you are looking to expand on a particular skill, take some time to explore the department’s page to see which projects will best suit your interests.
We typically ask our interns to join one or two teams (max) during their internship. The longer you stay at NSTEM, the more opportunities you have to explore other teams and learn new skills!
Yes! Our applications are on a rolling basis, so you are free to apply for any date range. Your date range should be at least 4 months, however, you can definitely extend your time at NSTEM.
NSTEM interns are exposed to working both independently and collaboratively. For tasks that are assigned independently, interns are expected to demonstrate effective communication skills and keep their team members up-to-date. Larger projects will require collaboration and responsibility to hold each other accountable. Having a flexible schedule for video meetings and being able to contribute enough hours every week. It’s important to be efficient and take responsibility and accountability for your work! We expect communication during all times of the internship and our collaborative nature is very important to us!
We value communication, professionalism, and a strong work ethic. As long as you are able to communicate professionally, complete your work in a timely manner, and bring new ideas to the table, you will be an asset to our team!
Interns should dress appropriately with the same dress code as if they were in school. We don’t have a specific dress code, but please make sure you are put together and ready to work!
Because everything is virtual, a large aspect of our internship is done using technology. As a result, we need all our interns to have strong and reliable internet access and attend video conferences with video and microphone both turned on!
You can gain real-world experience in various aspects of a business depending on the departments you are involved in. Many of our interns also attribute NSTEM to building their communication and professionalism. This internship is a great stepping stone into your future career!
We strive to get back to applicants within the week after they have submitted their applications. From there we select whether or not we would like to have them move to the next stage of the application process, which is the interview. The interview is a way for us to get to know the applicant as a person and if they will be a good fit to our team. There is no follow-up interview, and the applicant should receive an email updating them on the status of their application.
Interns are supervised and monitored by Directors and Project Managers. Evaluations are done based on how well the intern is collaborating with their team members and if they are able to successfully complete their intern duties. Collaborative teams and departments are managed by the Director team, who oversee the company as a whole.
NSTEM was born from Seaside Sustainability and both organizations continue to be partners in many ways. While our internships are similar in nature, the two companies have different focuses; Seaside’s purpose is to promote a sustainable and environmentally friendly community while NSTEM’s purpose is to promote STEM education among students and educators.
Interns are provided with a myriad of real-world opportunities to engage in authentic and meaningful project-based learning! Your growth in the company is truly limitless. Although we do not guarantee employment after internships are completed, future staff positions will be most likely filled with current or past interns.
We mostly use G Suite applications across the company, but certain other applications may be used depending on the team you are working in. Feel free to contact us if you would like to know what specific departments use!