Social Learning in STEM
Photo by Sara Cottle As the years go by, new learning styles become standard practice, and society adapts to those learning styles. Some stay, some are just fads, but one learning style that always seems to be prevalent is social learning. While you mi …

3 Halloween STEM Activities For The Classroom!
Now that October is finally here, it’s time to prepare for Halloween! What better way to celebrate than to do some fun and easy halloween-themed STEM activities?! Projects should never be exclusive to only kids, so we found some that can involve studen …
22nd Annual World Space Week, “Women In Space”
Starting October 4th, World Space Week Association (WSWA) is hosting its 22nd annual Space Week celebration. This internationally-held event is an observance of accomplishments within space science and technology and it will last through the week to Oc …

Telescopes That Have Mapped the Stars!
Image credits There is so much you can learn about space and where we are in the universe without ever having to leave Earth. With the help of telescopes, people have gotten a much closer look at all those little dots in the sky. It turns out that they …

Using Calls to Action to Improve Your Middle Schoolers’ Learning Experience
Now more than ever, students need ways to engage with activities beyond the classroom or Zoom meeting. The pandemic has unfortunately contributed to a large amount of learning loss as many schools have been forced to shut down, move online, have shorte …

How to Promote Classroom Learning Through Cognitive Psychology
Photo by NeONBRAND All students have experienced it at least once: A lecture so boring that sleeping upright feels like the best option. Even if the content of the lecture sounds interesting at first, a boring presentation can cause students to become …
NSTEM President Featured at Student Kick-Off Event
Ken Hecht will represent the National STEM Honors Society at the upcoming Thurgood Marshall Center Trust event. This upcoming event is entitled “Student Transformations,” and panelists will be discussing STEM-partnership models, college preparation, an …

Top 8 STEM/Sci-Fi Movies and Documentaries to Check Out
Are you looking for something new to watch? Interested in all things STEM? Then this is the article for you! Here are our top eight must-watch STEM-related films in the past year. Image Credits 1. The Mitchells vs. The Machines Genre: Family Feature …

Psychology Research and Breakthroughs of 2021
Image Credits 2021 has been a year filled with growth, especially for the psychology field. Researchers and psychologists are working harder than ever to make new discoveries and technologies despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Although this has made it har …

Do You Want to Be a Future Engineer? Read This for Tips!
Do you want to be an engineer when you grow up? Do you want to build and fix things when you grow up? If so, there is a good chance that you want to be a future engineer. There are plenty of opportunities for students who want to be engineers when they …

How To Make Your Office Cleaner and Greener!
Image Credits Believe it or not — most pollution is produced by large companies and corporations. But it’s not just oil companies, either! It could even include your office. There are many resources that go into keeping a physical workspace up-and-run …

Common STEM Themes to Include in Your Lesson
Are you curious about how to create a better lesson plan for your STEM students? There are certain characteristics and themes you want to include in your lesson that will keep students engaged. Additionally, it is important to include these themes beca …

Not All Great Minds Think Alike!
There’s a common misconception that you have to be the right “fit” for STEM. From a young age, people craft a perception of where they fit into the world. Often, this perception is very black-and-white which allows little room for the proverbial grey a …

Low Income Students: FAFSA and Other Resources
A Pirate’s Guide to FAFSA and Other Resources Welcome Aboard, Matey! As a low-income, first-generation college student, I am familiar with the confusion and frustration of filling out FAFSA application forms and the guilt that comes with ever-increasin …

5 Methods to Get Your College Students Focused
One of the biggest reasons that college students tend to stay up late, neglect their health, and have lower GPAs is their lack of focus. While this doesn’t just apply to those in college, it certainly has a larger impact as they tend to be more indepen …

Switch Off Your Vacation Brain and Set it to School!
It’s no secret that students pick-up unhealthy habits over summer vacation. We get it! You start to stay up late, sleep in late, and focus on your social life. These aren’t unhealthy habits on their own, but with school just around the corner, they hav …

Quick STEM Mini Lessons for Elementary School Students
Image Credits Powerful pulleys Length: 30 minutes This lesson students get to explore how pulleys work in the context of pyramid building. Using a pre lesson assessment to have students brainstorm what simple machines are and why are they important, al …

COVID-19, Impacting the Lives of Students in Latin America!
When COVID-19 became a threat to the world, we all shut down and went home. For many, this meant working from home and getting everything delivered. For most students, this meant attending school from home through virtual meetings. But for the students …

Why Does Latin America Have So Many Volcanoes?
Have you ever wondered where all the volcanoes are? Well, they’re spread out across the world, seemingly, at random. However, they still manage to span every continent, including Antarctica, and they can even be found underwater. It’s also true that m …

Video Games and STEM: A Symbiotic Relationship
Image by Sean Whelan What better way to learn than when you are having fun? The STEM fields are the most intimidating for young high school students as they form themselves and prepare for a career. One might imagine formal events, like winning a Nobel …

The Economic Impacts of COVID-19
People are capable of incredible feats of wealth and productivity but, like every other creature on Earth, we are subject to the forces of nature. Some of those forces bring about great abundance of prosperity and joy while others only spell destructio …

5 Steps for Teaching Robotics Virtually
Contrary to what you might initially think, teaching robotics virtually offers a wealth of opportunities to assist your students in building killer robots. It’s never too early for kids to consider how they might help put down the inevitable robot rebe …

8 STEM Majors for Students Interested in Engineering
Colleges have many different departments to choose from and many different majors in those departments. Students who think about putting things together and figuring out what is wrong with machines usually major in engineering. Engineering is a great f …

3 Hands-On Tech Activities for Middle Schoolers
Technology can be difficult to introduce in younger grades. By the time students get to middle school, more complex technology topics can be introduced. Engaging students is crucial for STEM activities to keep them motivated and interested. Technology …