By Tyler King

As the winter season blankets the world, it offers a unique opportunity for elementary kids to explore the wonders of wildlife biology in a frosty setting. Engaging with the natural world during this chilly season can be a captivating and educational experience for young minds. Let’s delve into creative and hands-on activities that embrace the beauty of winter and offer insights into the lives of creatures thriving in colder climates. From pine cones to penguins, these winter biology activities are designed to spark curiosity and foster a deeper appreciation for the biological beings of winter.
1. Keeping Arctic Animals Warm
In this activity, students explore how penguins, polar bears, and other Arctic animals stay warm with their layers of fat. First, an ice-cold bowl of water is prepared as the testing environment. Then, students will wear latex gloves, dip their hands in a baggie of shortening, and immerse them in the water again. It becomes clear that the fat acts as insulation and protection against the cold. This activity showcases the biological adaptations that animals have developed to live in cold weather.
Activity link: Arctic Animals Science Experiment
Materials needed: ice cubes, cold water, shortening, baggies, and latex gloves.
2. Pine Cone Opening
In this activity, students learn how pine cones react to different temperature changes and seasons. When placed in a glass of cold water, or “winter,” they respond much differently than in warm water. This experiment showcases how pine cones use their biological adaptations to know when to release their seeds based on external temperature. It also allows students to get outside in the snow or cold and find cool pine cones!
Activity link: Pine Cone Science Experiment
Materials needed: glasses or jars, pine cones, warm water, and cold water.
3. How Penguins Stay Dry
With this project, elementary school students can explore a metaphorical comparison of how penguins stay dry with their water-repellent feathers. First, they color in a penguin coloring sheet with wax crayons. Then, spray the blue-dyed water on the paper to see how the wax repels the water, just like a penguin’s feathers! This activity teaches students about another biological adaptation that keeps these amazing Arctic animals warm and dry.
Activity link: Penguins
Materials needed: penguin coloring sheet, crayons, spray bottle, water, and blue food coloring.
These three winter biology activities for elementary kids provide a gateway to a deeper understanding of the winter web of life. With these hands-on explorations and observations, young learners will gain knowledge and cultivate a sense of respect for the natural world. As students connect with the wonders of biology, these activities will become memorable experiences that leave lasting marks on their understanding of the balance of winter life. Embark on a journey of discovery with these captivating winter wildlife biology activities for elementary students!
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Grades 3-5 continue the STEM education journey, where students are interested in the natural world and how things work, responding to stories told by teachers that give purpose and meaning to STEM disciplines and molding them into thinkers, problem solvers, and creators. The National STEM Honor Society sees grades 3-5 as a critical point in the NSTEM journey. To start your grade 3-5 chapter of the National STEM Honor Society, click here.